Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Good News..Bad News..It's All Relative

Well yesterday we got the news that we've been waiting on for some time. The Coast Guard had decided to "temporarily retire" Will. Everytime I say that or type it, it seems to make me chuckle just a little. I mean leave it to the government to have a category that's so definitive.

It's good on the one hand because it means that at any point in the next five years if Will's condition gets better and he is cleared by the doctor, then he can be reinstated to full active duty. It's bad on the other hand because even though we're glad that there is in fact some sort of decision, trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life when you thought you had it all figured out is sort of a slap in the face.

It's even harder when this is what Will really wants to do with his life. He loves being a part of the Coast Guard, more than just about any of the people that we've met in the almost 10 years that he's been doing this. What breaks my heart is to the these guys that are still in who will try anything to get out, while Will would do anything to stay in.

I know that we'll be fine in the grand scheme of things and that we will together, do whatever it takes to make this a positive decision, but it's really hard to even think about sometimes.