Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I started running in February of this year and after a few weeks I finally got myself to the 3.1 mile mark. I honestly don’t remember what my time was for it, especially since I was just happy that I ran that distance without stopping or rather did not keel over in pain. I am not one of those people that has always exercised, rather one of those people who used some excuse as to why I didn’t.

Then of course, once I finally got into a rhythm, I hurt my knee and it was back down to just a couple of times a week and I was barely making it 2 miles. I am happy to say that last night though I made it to the 3.1 mile mark again, and did it in 39.10. Now, I know to seasoned runners that may not be an impressive time, but to me it’s amazing.

My goal now is to try to keep adding to my distance, so my 3.1 won’t seem so long later on. Even though I don’t run every day and sometimes not even every other day, I do seem to crave it. If I go too long now, my body almost suffers from the withdrawals.

I am planning on running a 5K on June 24th with someone from work. She is most definitely a runner. She does a long run once a week, and when I say long, I’m talking 12 to 15 miles. I can’t even fathom that. Anyway, the 5K is for the family of a soldier that was killed in Iraq a little over two years ago. That statement alone makes my mind wander into so many tangents that I could start on right now, but I won’t go there, at least not now.

So, I’m 31 days from the 5K and barring any injuries, I am really looking forward to doing it. Who knows, maybe I’ll become the person making long runs on the weekends.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This is just one of the many pictures that was taken this past Saturday during Rebuilding Together. A few of my co-workers and I took part in this adventure this past Saturday. This organization helps homeowners who, for whatever reason, cannot do the necessary improvments and such on their homes. Yes, that's me on a ladder removing the old storm windows.

Our team installed a total of 10 new windows. Installing them was the easy part, it was getting the old windows and casings (I think that's what they're called) out.

The more and more I do anything involving home improvement, whether it be at my house or someone else's, I completely understand why contractors and such get paid what they do. It is so worth it.

For instance, we will never (yeah, right) try to install tile flooring again.

Anyway back to Rebuilding Together, a friend and I are contemplating joining the Board of this organization in our area. We really want to see what the process is from start to finish. I'll let you know how that goes.