Friday, April 28, 2006

Time....where does it all go?

I've been reading other blogs on the internet (of course, who hasn't these days) and one in particular that I was introduced to by my very best friend in the world is

Can I just tell you that it scares me to think that this woman who writes this, and doesn't even know me, can read my mind and know my thoughts? Of course, she puts them down on paper much better than I ever thought about doing, so I love even more to read it.

As some of you know I'm from the south and now have lived in Maine for three years. (Has it really been that long?) I know I've always gone on and on about the differences and of course they are still there, but what scares and fascinates me all at the same time is how much I've come to love it here and now can't imagine living anywhere else.

I believe in my last posting I mentioned that my husband had something medically going on with him. Well, they gave us a diagnosis of syringomyelia, which after looking everything up on it I could and talking with other people, which of course scared the bejesus out of me.

What frustrates me to no end is that once we got this diagnosis and were referred, yet again, to another specialist, who tells us that yes he has this disorder, but guess what, it's not what's causing the symptoms that have been going on for the last 6 months. Now I know it wasn't the doctors fault, but I could have scratched his eyes out.

So now we are back to square one with the primary doctor and another whole slew of specialists. What I find so ironic is, that in the middle of everything, they have scheduled his annual physical. Like they haven't poked, prodded and done every test known to mankind in the past 6 months, now they have to do the "normal" physical. At the rate we're going he will have seen every doctor in Maine before we are done.

AND.... in the middle of all these appointments, work (for which he drives 75 miles one way), home, our daughter and everyday things that we all have, he still has physical therapy at least 2 times a week.

Stay tuned, I'm going to a 2nd grade orientation tonight. Did they have these when we were younger? Here's what YOU can expect from the 2nd grade. Wait I thought my daughter was going to the 2nd grade????


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